Privacy Policy
If you decide to purchase services from BajioGo, you will need to provide personal information so that we can provide the service to you. We need information such as your pick-up location, addresses for providing the service, your contact telephone number(s), email address, your name and the names of the people traveling with you. If you do not provide the information we request, we may not be able to offer you the full range of services available.
To pay for services, you will also need to provide your credit card details, which will be collected and processed by a telephone representative or in our online website system. BajioGo collects and retains information from its websites, including your personal information when you register and reserve online; This data may be retained for up to a period of 12 months.
Security of the information
BajioGo uses secure credit card processing facilities. No complete or usable credit card information is stored on BajioGo's servers. While every care is taken, BajioGo makes no guarantee regarding the security of credit card information and is not responsible for events arising from unauthorized access to information you provide.
Use and disclosure of personal information
BajioGo stores your personal information and uses it in the following ways. To store profiles and routine booking information to speed up and improve the customer's online booking experience. To provide information to inform our staff of any specific service requirements you may have. To retrieve information from our computer reservation system when answering your questions through our telephone call center. Unless required by law, BajioGo does not disclose personal information to third parties, except its franchisees and third-party contractors, for the purpose of allowing those parties to provide services to you.
Accessing and Retention of your Information
You may at any time access and modify your personal information or the subscribed services. We will take all reasonable steps to keep your information secure and ask that you keep your information as up to date as possible so that we can continue to improve our service to you.